My Anxious Dog A4 Wheelie Bin Yellow Space Awareness Sticker
As you know, owners who haven't experienced a reactive or anxious dog aren't always completely clear on what to do when they see one.
With a little community effort, we can get the word out and remove the guesswork, so that everyone can enjoy their walks.
With our collection of campaign materials, you can easily help raise awareness in your local area. Simply pop the sticker on your wheelie bin and every dog walker who passes your home will start to understand what your #dogsinyellow needs.
My Anxious Dog A4 bin sticker to raise awareness.
Also has an area for writing your house number on as well.

Helping you to let others know your dog needs space - join our yellow army #dogsinyellow
Helping you to let others know your dog needs space - join our yellow army #dogsinyellow