Say Goodbye to Stressful Walks: Yellow Space Awareness Gear gives relief to Anxious Dogs (and their humans)
Fed up with dogs running over to you when you're out walking with your anxious dog. I know I certainly am…
I get so frustrated with “it's ok he's friendly!” That's why when I heard about using yellow to get your dog the space they need I grabbed it with both hands.
Yellow became Bella's voice.
I know what it's like to own a fearful dog and that's how I got into the world of yellow. When a dog trainer told me about yellow it was a wow moment. What a brilliant way of showing others that my dog wants and needs space.
It's so stressful going out for a walk with your anxious dog. You're filled with dread of what might happen, who you will see. Then embarrassment and sometimes tears! Having faced all those issues I want to reassure you that using yellow helps.
With my Bella in yellow, if I walk by 10 people at least 5 will put their dogs back on a lead. That's 50% more people giving you and your dog the space you need when you’re out.

Yellow is a superpower!
Now, I’m on a mission to help owners like you feel calmer, more confident, and prouder of your amazing, big-hearted dogs. Because here’s the truth: Your dog isn’t broken. They just communicate differently, and yellow helps everyone else get the message.
With My Anxious Dog, you’re not just buying products; you’re joining a movement.
Our Yellow Army is a community of owners just like you who come together to raise awareness of what dogs in yellow need.
Can you imagine if everyone bought an awareness pack, put poo bin stickers up in their local parks? If there was a poster up in every vets and local pet shop and every wheelie bin along your road let every passer by know exactly what to do when they see a dog in yellow?

Join the Yellow Army
Owning a sensitive dog is hard, but it's a long path and along that path you will find me. With a yellow lead or harness and perhaps an awareness pack full of stickers and posters, I know we make an enormous difference to dogs and their owners.
So, grab that yellow cape and join the mission. Because together, we can give anxious dogs everywhere the voice they deserve.
Calmer Walks Start Here
Fun FAQs
Why did you start My Anxious Dog?
Because I was done with the frustration of other dogs running up to Bella and strangers assuming she wanted a pat on the head. Yellow was Bella’s voice, and I wanted to share that magic with every other owner of an anxious or sensitive dog.
Does yellow really work?
Absolutely! When I walk Bella, at least half the people I pass give us space. That’s a 50% improvement just by using yellow! Imagine what would happen if every owner of an anxious dog joined the movement. We’re building awareness every day.
What’s so special about your products?
Every item is designed with love and tested by Bella. If it’s not good enough for her, it’s not good enough for your dog. Plus, our products are strong, practical, really comfy, and hard to miss — perfect for making a statement on every walk.
What if people think my dog’s aggressive?
First off, who cares? You’ll probably never see them again. But also, yellow isn’t about labelling your dog; it’s about advocating for them. Your dog’s comfort and safety matter more than someone else’s opinion.
Is it embarrassing to put yellow on my dog?
No way! Think of it as your dog’s superhero cape. You’re showing the world that your dog has a voice, and you’re proud to advocate for them. Confidence is contagious — and trust me, your dog will feel it too.
If you could be a dog, which one would you be?
A Cocker Spaniel, obviously! They’re loyal, clever, and obsessed with snacks. Plus, like Bella, I’m not here for hugs from strangers or random socializing — I stick to my safe people.
What makes you happiest about your work?
Knowing I’m helping dogs and their owners have calmer, more enjoyable walks. Seeing a dog proudly wearing yellow, advocating for their needs, and knowing I played a part in that? It’s the best feeling in the world.
Can I really make a difference?
Yes! By putting up a sticker, wearing yellow, or handing out an awareness poster, you’re helping spread the message. If we all take small steps, we can create a world where anxious dogs are understood and respected.